Best Paper Awards Information
Our technical paper authors/presenters will be asked if they wish to be considered for any of the awards below that they may be eligible for:
- Best Paper – this will be awarded to the author/presenter considered to have written and delivered the best overall technical paper at the conference.
- Best Young Professional Paper – this will be awarded to the author/presenter who is 35 years old or young, and considered to have written and delivered the best overall technical paper by a young professional at the conference. Sponsored by CIA NEXGen and RILEM.
- Women in Concrete Best Paper – this will be awarded to the author/presenter who is female and considered to have written and delivered the best overall technical paper at the conference by a woman in concrete. Sponsored by CIA Women in Concrete.
Authors/presenters who are eligible for all 3 categories are also eligible to win all three awards. Each category will have a separate judging panel considering these awards.
To be eligible for the award you must:
- Agree to being considered for the award.
- Be a lead author of the technical paper being submitted.
- Register to attend Concrete 2025.
- Present the paper at Concrete 2025.
Winners will be announced at the closing ceremony of Concrete 2025 and will be presented:
- A framed certificate citing the award.
- The opportunity to have their paper published in Concrete in Australia magazine.
- 12 months complimentary CIA membership in the author/presenters category.